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Lunch Cards

Though not required to run School Lunch, student lunch cards are highly recommended. Lunch cards are a simple way to process students through the lunch line quickly and efficiently. The necessary information for the card is the student’s name and account number. A teacher’s name is printed on the card in order to easily track the student. If a school chooses not to use lunch cards, students can recite their account number to the SL operator when passing through the lunch line.

Elementary Schools

In an elementary school, the cards are held by the teacher and given to the students just prior to going to the lunchroom. The student hands the card to the computer operator and the computer operator types the account number directly into the computer or passes the card under the barcode scanner. The cards are given back to the appropriate teacher at the end of the day.

Secondary Schools

In a secondary school, the students may keep their cards. A card could be retained if the computer indicates money is owed, the card is being used twice, or the card has been lost. Methods of controlling those situations should be decided by the school staff.

Guests may purchase a guest card in the office and present it to the computer operator and the operator can return it to the office after use. There should be different guest cards for students and adults with at least one account for each status. With guest cards, money need not be taken in the lunchroom.

Lunch Card Options

Lunch Cards can be produced in one of two ways:




The production of labels will be discussed the List Wizard.

Visit our Products page for current lunch card pricing.