Provides non-overt identification of students that are on free or reduced lunch status
Provides accurate accounting of money paid into the program by students and adults
Informs students as they pass through the lunch line if they have a low or negative balance
Provides account information emails or notices
Gives an accurate list of all who ate meals on a given day
Gives a class list and a balance of all accounts at any time
Gives a daily record of money deposited
Keeps a daily balance of each lunch account
Minimizes the risk of losing lunch tickets or money
Prevents free tickets from being sold
Ensures that free students get only one lunch per day
Enables free students to deposit money in their accounts for รก la carte purchases
Provides daily and monthly reports
Provides a history of student activity
Provides a year-to-date history of student account
Seamless integration of family accounts
During the operation of the program there is no need to identify students by their status. Fellow
students are unable to identify the status of another student, yet the status of any student is
accessible to the proper personnel at any time.