
(435) 752-8503

Order Information

This order form is used for ordering supplies only. Schools wishing to purchase new School Lunch programs and updates should contact Rodlan directly at this time.

Please provide a purchase order either by mail or fax.

All orders are subject to stock on hand and subject to our approval.

Order acknowledgment will be returned by email. If you do not receive acknowledgment within 24 hours please contact us by phone at (435) 752-8503.


Supplies Order Form

School or District Name

Shipping Address




Order Contact

Phone #


Bill to address if different:

PO Number

Each item below is listed by name, quantity per lot and price per lot. Please enter the number of lots desired in the box to the left of the description.
Example: to purchase 4000 deposit slips enter a 4 in the quantity field.

Deposit Slips $36 per 1000

Red Plastic Cards $21 per 100

Green Plastic Cards $21 per 100

Yellow Plastic Cards $21 per 100

White Plastic Cards $21 per 100

Orange Plastic Cards $21 per 100

Light Blue Plastic Cards $21 per 100

Lamination pouches BC Size $21 per 100

Gun type barcode scanner $225 Each

Gun scanner stand $75 Each

To ensure you are human,