Web Account Viewer (WAV)
Click thumbnails to enlarge
Web Account Viewer is an companion product to School Lunch. WAV is a subscription service that is sold on a per school or district basis priced per month for the entire year. Wave is billed based on the size of your school or district and is available to parents through the end of June of the year billed.
How it works in a nut shell...
School Lunch generates an unique URL (web address link) that can be sent to parents in a letter or added to your school or district website. Parents can check their child's or family account at any time after the daily upload and receive up-to-date balances, histories...even see what their student ate in the ala carte line.
The daily upload is an easy process that is accomplished with a few mouse clicks. This takes place after all reports have been posted. The data file is slimmed down to contain just the information that parents need to see. Parents can view history for the past 30 calendar days. This helps maintain the size of data file for fast uploading.
Secure Instant Payments
We have partnered with Secure Instant Payments to provide an integrated online payment system right from the WAV account screen. If parents owe money the MAKE PAYMENT button shows in red along with the negative balance in their account. If their account is in the positive, the MAKE PAYMENT button shows in the normal color. The best part about SIP is that it comes at no additional cost to the school. Parents are charged a 55¢ convenience fee for e-check and a 3% convenience for credit cards. And there is no setup fee. Works with or without WAV.
WAV Price schedule
Secure Instant Payment Price schedule
(435) 752-8503
Web account viewer allows parents to check their account balance from a web browser. We invite you to try Web Account Viewer. Click the button above and you will be directed to our secure test site where you can view history examples from our demo database. Enter an ID and PIN number and click the LOG IN Button. From the family info list you can double-click either a family account or a student account.
615--Family Account
9606--Student Account
9860--Student Account
PIN: 5555
(same pin for all accounts)
© Rodlan Administrative Software
161 East 1600 North
North Logan, Utah 84321