
(435) 752-8503

  CubeSQL Server

Visit the Sqlabs website to request a freeware license (allows up to 3 connections) or to purchase a larger scope license.


SQL Database Server

Why a Database Server?

An SQL database server is a computer program that resides on a computer on your network that allows computers in different locations to connect to the School Lunch data file. This allows users in different locations to access the same information. The best scenario is to have the server on a computer that will be left on most if not all of the time.

The Rodlan School Lunch program uses a SQL database server that allows multiple computers to connect to the same School Lunch database via the multi-user program or the multi-school program.

School Lunch Multi-User System

The multi-user program allows many computers to connect in a single school. Office personal and lunchroom staff can work on the system at the same time, answering parent's questions or making deposits. Multiple lines may run at the lunchroom at the same time making student processing go much faster. Computers are connected via a local area network in the school.

School Lunch Multi-School System

The multi-school system works just like the multi-user system but is designed for small districts that wish to connect up to six schools to the same database. This works great for schools that wish to take advantage of the School Lunch family account. All family money may be deposited in a single family account and used by students in any school on the system that belong to the family account. Reports can be printed at the school or on a district level.

Advantages of the SQLServer Database Server

  • An SQL database server can easily perform daily backups.
  • Unlimited connections to the School Lunch data file can happen concurrently.

Things to Consider

  • Server computer requires a static IP address for consistent client connections.
  • Server and clients can work in a cross platform environment.
  • Server can reside on one of the School Lunch program computers or on a separate computer.
  • Server use requires more that basic computer skills for installation and maintenance. A school or District computer technician or experienced user is required.
  • Wireless connections are not recommended for posting meal and deposit reports but may be suitable for other functions.

CubeSQL Server

School Lunch is currently designed to work with the CubeSQL server available from SQLabs. A free version is available that allows up to three connections. To go beyond three connections requires purchasing the server directly from

Although we have several sites using the freeware version of CubeSQL server up to 5 connections cost $299 with up to 10 connections costing $399.

© Rodlan Administrative Software
161 East 1600 North
North Logan, Utah 84321